« Cloud Power


Super-Powered Technology

What’s the difference between a basic cloud and a super-powered cloud when it comes to technology? A basic cloud might host someone else’s application for its customers to use on the Internet. A less-basic cloud might involve putting proprietary software on a server. With AcceLIM’s super-powered cloud you get much more. We host our own secure, proprietary, multi-client application, for which patents are pending, along with USPS PO boxes, fax lines, and email addresses. Our cloud is supported by intelligent humans who overcome the innate limitations of automation by making the kinds of decisions that software can’t make. And our software is as super-powered as every other aspect of our cloud. A cluster of four pieces of technology provides our customers with powerful controls, swift processes and impressive results, and only AcceLIM customers have access to this technology.


AcceL-I-Match is AcceLIM’s intellectual property that recreates the matching capability of the most experienced A/P clerk. AcceL-I-Match goes far beyond the typical three-way ordered-received-invoiced match (straight-through processing) that is found in most other automated systems. It can scale to whatever level of detail is needed for each individual order whether that means lots or batches moving through a complicated supply chain or a simple project that will only have two invoices vouchered against it. AcceL-I-Match can audit receiving transactions and match to quotes, order confirmations and virtually any other supply side order management transaction.

AcceL-I-Match™ supports the following matching criteria:
  • Inventory – including lot and work order level matching
  • Services
  • Blanket orders
  • Project Style Ordering
  • Contract Terms
  • Non-PO

The supply side order management cycle involves far more than just parts and materials. It includes services that are performed and projects governed by contracts. Just as Accel-I-Match offers powerful matching for PO based transactions, AcceLIM’s Match-2-Term technology can handle project style account coding and even match to contract terms found in documents such as statements of work.

Virtual PO™

AcceLIM’s Virtual PO allows non-PO invoices to be processed the same way any PO based transaction is handled in your AcceLIM automated system. The technology uses historical behavior as a basis to create a virtual PO in the background that future non-PO invoices can be matched against. So when you automate with AcceLIM, you get the same improvements in efficiency with every transaction that flows through our cloud.


Sometimes paper still happens. That’s why AcceLIM has a full line of scanning solutions that can be deployed anywhere you want. Our AcceL-I-Station family of products includes small lightweight scanners suitable for desktop and workplace scanning as well as other scanners rugged enough to be stationed on loading docks.

AcceLIM exclusively partners with Kodak for our scanning solutions.