Transactions with perfectly matched documentation automatically flow through to your financial application for payment. This frees up accounts payable staff’s time and attention to deal quickly with the transactions that have issues to resolve.
Not only will your employees’ focus shift toward resolving discrepancies; our cloud makes the work much easier for them. Before we set you up in our cloud, we work with you to decide who will be alerted for which issues. Once you’re up and running with AcceLIM, information and documentation for all discrepancies appears in real-time via our organized, intuitive web interface - on the desktop of the exact employees who need to take immediate action to resolve them. If a transaction has multiple exceptions, they are routed hierarchically based on the business rules agreed upon in the onboarding process.
In a traditional, non-automated process, invoices with match issues can be quite time consuming to resolve. AcceLIM’s approach makes it as swift as possible. Our cloud eliminates geographic and interdepartmental barriers, with all critical documentation available simultaneously to everyone who needs it. There’s no waiting for employees in another department to forward information, no possibility of critical documents lost in a pile on somebody’s desk. There is always a primary person in charge of resolving each discrepancy, and AcceLIM’s tools empower those employees to address any issue as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Learn more about how AcceLIM empowers collaboration and helps focus accountability
Our exception-based focus naturally results in lower and lower discrepancy rates over time. This is in part because your employees have the time and tools to home in on each exception but also because with the “background noise” of all clerical work taken away and with our strong reporting tools, recurring issues and patterns quickly become apparent. There may be suppliers who consistently repeat certain errors. Or there may be a buyer who tends to make a particular type of mistake. Our approach spotlights these for correction. And the lower the discrepancy rate becomes, the more time your employees have to focus on the critical discrepancies that remain.
Most invoice processing systems are limited to a three-way, ordered-received-invoiced match system: straight-through processing. But AcceLIM’s software allows you to track any type of exception, matching data ranging from a release to a contract term such as a small lot fee or expedite charge.
AcceLIM can scale to whatever level of detail is needed for each individual order whether that means lots or batches moving through a complicated supply chain or a simple project that will only have two invoices vouchered against it. We can audit receiving transactions and match to quotes, order confirmations and virtually any other supply side order management transaction. Our customers get to choose what level of control they want over any type of exception as well as what issues we track in our regularly scheduled reports to them.
Because of the powerful controls we build into your system, there’s no more need for you to lose sleep over whether the number of items you paid for is what you ordered and received. Why wait until the last minute to discover problems? With AcceLIM, you know the moment that any aspect of an order starts to go awry.
With the accounts payable workload shifted toward discrepancy reduction and with an ever-decreasing discrepancy rate resulting from that focus, our customers can enjoy steady growth without a corresponding increase in A/P headcount. Our focus on exceptions also saves money because quicker approval times and ready-to-pay cycles mean our customers can take advantage of early payment discounts. And the huge percentage of perfect transactions (about 90%) that go through the system automatically drives cost savings even further.